As a Brit living in the US, I do find the theatre that is American politics amusing. It would seem little changes whoever becomes President. And yet in the run up to the election we all have to suffer this onslaught of debates, discussions, opinions. On and on.
This election season is particularly charged. The presence of Donald Trump seems to have stirred the pot. An odd character. It would seem a person Americans either adore or loath. I was thinking about the presidential elections over the weekend and realised we in GIS have much to learn from Donald Trump.
Keep things Simple
Some might argue that it is the candidate who is simple. But take a look at his messaging, like it or hate it, simplicity is at its core. No need to explain. Whether we are talking to clients or our non-GIS colleagues, we in GIS need to keep our messaging just as simple.
Get Attention
Its hard to avoid Donald Trump. His face and messaging are everywhere. A well designed campaign (and a very compliant media) have kept this candidate front and centre. We should all be thinking how do we get and keep attention on GIS? More than simple maps, GIS is a powerful solution provider for organizations large and small.
Say what you mean (mean what you say)
Like it or hate it Trump does not mince his words. He focuses on (divisive) issues. His messaging is consistent, and carefully planned. No beating around the bush. We in GIS need to be more direct. Rise up, be more than ‘just the mapping department down the corridor’. Be direct with your clients. Help them understand that GIS is more than simply adding a point to a map.
Stay focused on Problems and Solutions
The Trump campaign have carefully kept their focus on ‘the countries problems” and how with Trump as president these will be solved. Forget if you agree or disagree. There is no mumbling about the details. The focus is: today we are here, tomorrow we want to be there. How much time in GIS do we waste talking technology and the minutia of things. Our minds should always be on problem:solution.
Be Proactive
Sitting on our hands gets us nowhere. Ok, its election season and all the candidates are in no sleep mode. But we need to be the same in our GIS world. There are an unbelievable number of problems out there which need solving. GIS can provide answers. Let’s get busy finding those problems to solve.
You wonder where I sit on all of this political stuff. I’ll give you a hint. The world needs more Jeremy Corbyn’s.
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